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Setup Connection

Providing Connect Options

To connect to MQTT broker you need to provide ConnectOptions by implementing IConnectionServiceProvider. First you need to implement IConnectionServiceProvider/clientId to return an unique string to identify your client. This must be unique for each device that connect to broker.

var clientId: String {
UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString ?? UUID().uuidString

Next, you need to implement IConnectionServiceProvider/getConnectOptions(completion:) method. You need to provide ConnectOptions instance that will be used to make connection to the broker. This method provides an escaping closure, in case you need to retrieve the credential from remote API asynchronously.

func getConnectOptions(completion: @escaping (Result<ConnectOptions, AuthError>) -> Void) {
// Provide your own logic to retrieve connect options
// The completion is @escaping in case you want to retrieve the connect options from internet

ConnectOptions Properties

Here are the data that you need to provide in ConnectOptions.

/// IP Host address of the broker
public let host: String
/// Port of the broker
public let port: UInt16
/// Keep Alive interval used to ping the broker over time to maintain the long run connection
public let keepAlive: UInt16
/// Unique Client ID used by broker to identify connected clients
public let clientId: String
/// Username of the client
public let username: String
/// Password of the client used for authentication by the broker
public let password: String
/// Tells broker whether to clear the previous session by the clients
public let isCleanSession: Bool
/// Include Optional user properties in Connect Packet
public let userProperties: [String: Any]?
/// Include Optional ALPN array, (e.g if you use service like AWS IoT Core and TSL, you can pass the protocol)
public let alpn: [String]?

Example of IConnectionServiceProvider Implementation

You can take a look at this example that provides hardcoded ConnectOptions in getConnectOptions(completion: method`.

final class HiveMQAuthService: IConnectionServiceProvider {

var extraIdProvider: (() -> String?)?

var clientId: String {
let deviceId = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString ?? UUID().uuidString
return "\(deviceId)|\(username)"

private let username = "123456"

func getConnectOptions(completion: @escaping (Result<ConnectOptions, AuthError>) -> Void) {
let connectOptions = ConnectOptions(
host: "",
port: 1883,
keepAlive: 60,
clientId: clientId,
username: username,
password: "",
isCleanSession: false
